- Concerned Tuggeranong residents in the absence of any meaningful public consultation invited ActewAGL to provide a representative to respond to community concerns at a public meeting, called by the residents at the Tuggeranong Community Council on 28 April 2008.
- Mr Carsten Larsen, General Manager Commercial Development of ActewAGL, was asked about the source and environmental impact of the usually extreme cooling water needs of such a large Power-Station complex.
- He is on record as reassuring the Canberra community that the Power-Station water needs would not impact in any way on the ACT’s water supply as separate arrangements had been made to independently source all water needs from the Tantangara Dam - south west of Corin Dam in NSW.
- However, within ActewAGL’s Preliminary Assessment of their chosen site, the Site Development Agency’s Site Investigation Report prepared by Bill Guy & Partners Pty Ltd, Consulting Engineers on the 4 November 2007 concluded the following regarding water supply:-
6.3 Water Supply
The proposed development requires a water supply of 60 litres per second, available from two separate directions.
To achieve this ActewAGL advises that a 375mm diameter water main is required to be constructed from the Farrer Reservoir along Long Gully Road then along Mugga Lane and connect into the 375mm diameter water main in the Monaro Highway, a length of some 4400mm. Two ties would be provided to the site with a stop valve provided on the main between the two ties.
- It could be said that close to 100% of Canberra residents who now struggle with ACT’s water-restrictions will be aware that FARRER RESERVOIR is actually within the ACT, and is not the NSW Tantangara Dam.
- If ActewAGL’s General Manager Commercial Development is equally careful with his facts regarding other environmental impacts of this development, then hopefully ACTPLA will carefully scrutinize all aspects of the ActewAGL submission as they are legally obliged.
- This is a LOT of drinking water potentially to come out of ACT's water supplies to serve this Power-Station complex.