- ActewAGL despite having millions of dollars at its disposal and at least 8 months to compile this application has not conducted a Visual Impact Assessment.
- We assess however the development would be visible from a wide area and would have an adverse visual impact. This is due to the proposed site being within open view and on the floor between valley formations.
- The proposed structures are large and uncharacteristic of the locality. The area chosen is not heavy industry. It is over 1.5km away from the Hume industrial park. Put another way it, is closer to people's residencies by almost 1km than it is to Hume Industrial centre. The Mugga Lane tip is opposite but this is well managed and will, in not too long, be covered over and landscaped.
- The impact of the Power Station would be adverse because of the change to the existing landscape and the industrial character of the structure. The chimney stacks in particular would not be able to be fully screened from view from most surrounding positions; the stacks will be visible from Macarthur Ridge, Wanniassa Ridge, Isabella Drive (East), Upper Chisholm, Hume, Isaacs Ridge, Long Gully Road and in the Monaro Corridor. They will also be visible from Jerrabomberra.
- It is unknown if upgraded transmission infrastructure as a result of the development (i.e. new power lines and towers) would result in significant increases in visual amenity impacts.
- During the night it will be brightly lit and causing light pollution.
- It will vent steam and toxic emissions but these will be largely invisible.