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- How many jobs will the data centre create?

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How many jobs will be created by the data centre or the new power station?

- How many jobs will be created with the new data centre? new power station?

- Data centres do not need many people to run them. Power Stations are all automated. At the meeting on Monday 28 April, the ActewAGL spokesman admitted employment would be minimal - an estimate of about 4 - 10 people at the most.

- The 400 car parking spaces set aside in the plan, are apparently for, again according to Carston Larson the ActewAGL project manager “if there is a disaster”. He was, we believe, referring to a disaster off site and presumably he would then expect 400 people to flood into the data centre to protect their data ruined from off site. I find this difficult to believe as other data centres do not hold that many car parking spaces and I do not see the purpose of concreting and maintaining a car park of this considerable size for the rare chance that 400 people will need to access the data centre all at the same time. We believe the car parking spaces may be allocated now and will be used later to expand the Power Station size and increase the profit for ActewAGL.

- The vast majority of this $2 billion construction could be given to an out of state construction company (big enough to handle it).
- The gas is from out of state.
- The power will go back into the national grid.
- The profit will go into a private company.
- The power station and data centre will employ minimal people who are likely to be expert enough not to rent or buy a house in the toxic emissions path.

- Based on the Uranquinty experience: Total costs associated with construction are estimated to be $200 million. However, $140 million of this expenditure would be spent overseas as the specialist equipment needs to be imported. Approximately $60 million would be spent within Australia, with approximately $30 million of this spent in the Canberra region.

- The maximum number of construction workers onsite could be 110, and the direct employment generated could only be the equivalent of approximately 62 jobs for one year.

Disclaimer: This web site was created to aid Canberra residents in gaining information regarding the ACTEWAGL proposed development of a major utility gas-fired power station and data centre. The contents of this site have been provided by other concerned residents who do not have the resources, either time nor money, that ACTEWAGL have to commission investigations, surveys and reports. These residents do have some skills and expertise in the areas they have provided details. They may make mistakes in their figures, especially those relating to high technology. They did not do this deliberately to mislead and any corrections are welcomed. We ask that you use this web site as a source of information and research details for yourself. The creators of this web site do not support all the views contained on this web site and again stress this site is provided as a resource for Canberrans to gain information and support research into this $2 billion project. It will affect you - use your voice.