- ActewAGL stated this was to secure a second power supply for Canberra
(the second supply had already been secured, following the recommendations after the 2003 Bushfires)
- The investment claims: $1bn in October 2007, revised up to $2bn in April 2008, revised back to $1bn in April 2008
- The jobs claims: between 5 and 50 jobs (CB Richard Ellis, Tuggeranong Community Council meeting 28 April, 2008)
Job claims in the media releases (600 jobs in October 2007, down to 400 in February 2008, down to 300 in May 2008)
- The proponents:
- Land Development Agency (Government agency) nominated the land being the horse paddocks in Broadacre (rural setting)
- ActewAGL (50% Government-owned) the electricity utility company to implement the jet engine turbines
- ACTPLA (Government agency) assessing the proposal for its suitability and approval
- Jon Stanhope (Chief Minister) who holds conflicting portfolios of Minister for Environment, Water & Climate Change and Minister for Business Development and is major shareholder in ActewAGL
- Andrew Barr (Minister for Planning) - responsible for determining if an Environmental Impact Statement is required (to determine the complete impact of this proposal on the ACT's environment including wildlife, health & climate)
- We would like to hear from anyone with professional skills who would like to assist:
- Town Planning specialists
- Environmental and Planning Lawyers
- Medical practicioners - especially those involved in respiratory complaints
- Our mailing address is: CPR Inc., PO Box 40, Erindale, ACT 2904
- Send us an email with any comments or concerns - thanks to the thousands of you who have signed our petition and the thousands of you that have visited the website, written in and pledged support. We will be publishing a selection of your comments this week.
Keep up the good work!