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- Fog, smog and wind

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Fog, smog and wind

- Research indicates that the gas power plant emissions, even if found to be within the approved levels, could amount to an additional 700 medium-sized cars, running at full-throttle, 24 hours a day.

- The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has stated that one of the primary contributors to Canberra’s fog problem is car exhaust fumes. This would obviously compound the existing fog situation.

- Beyond the emissions, the ActewAGL report indicates that the cooling towers will contribute 435ML per year of steam which may also exacerbate the fog, by coagulating with exhaust particles and draping over Jerrabomberra and the flight path (in the case of a prevailing North Western wind).

- Canberra’s significant fog problem adversely impacts on Canberra businesses and industry during the winter months delaying flights and traffic.

- Fog issues impact on the ability for early morning or late afternoon meetings to be scheduled in the ACT. Meetings can be delayed or cancelled due to the inability for travellers to get into or out of Canberra.

- Neither CASA (Civil Aviation Safety Authority) or the BOM were aware of this new development; ActewAGL and ACTPLA have not discussed the potential fog issue with these key agencies.

- This lack of consultation is disturbing, given the size/scope and location of this project and the implications for CASA, the airport and Canberra business/government departments.

- The Government currently has a scheme to encourage people to stop using their wood heaters in order to reduce the pollution. The Tuggeranong Valley already has pollution and temperature inversion type issues so the power station will only add to this already identified problem. Concerned politicians are raising this issue with ACT Health this week (Commencing May 5th).
Click to view a photograph (taken Sunday 11 May, 2008) showing the inversion layer at the proposed site

- According to the Bureau of Meteorology website, although the most common wind direction in Canberra is NW (approx 25% of the time), residents of Canberra and Queanbeyan will have emissions blown over them on more than half of the days the year. (note: this is not all day, but for some part of a day).

- For the 12 months March 07 to April 08, the recordings from the Tuggeranong weather station indicate the wind would have blown emissions from the power station over parts of suburban Canberra, Queanbeyan and Jerrabomberra on 227 days (62% of the year). This is a conservative estimate as wind direction on the website is only shown for a maximum of three times per day.

Disclaimer: This web site was created to aid Canberra residents in gaining information regarding the ACTEWAGL proposed development of a major utility gas-fired power station and data centre. The contents of this site have been provided by other concerned residents who do not have the resources, either time nor money, that ACTEWAGL have to commission investigations, surveys and reports. These residents do have some skills and expertise in the areas they have provided details. They may make mistakes in their figures, especially those relating to high technology. They did not do this deliberately to mislead and any corrections are welcomed. We ask that you use this web site as a source of information and research details for yourself. The creators of this web site do not support all the views contained on this web site and again stress this site is provided as a resource for Canberrans to gain information and support research into this $2 billion project. It will affect you - use your voice.