2 - UPDATED 02 October 2008 - Pass the message on to everyone you know by printing and handing out our flyer
Click here to download our flyer (PDF)
3 - Print our petition and post it to us once signed by yourself and your friends to:
CPR Inc., PO Box 40, Erindale, ACT 2903
Click here to download our petition form
4 - Join us as a member of Canberrans for Power Station Relocation
It costs just $30 per person ($20 joining fee and $10 for the first year's membership) and funds our campaign
Click here to download our membership form, complete it and return with payment to:
CPR Inc. Membership, PO Box 40, Erindale, ACT 2903
5 - Donate a contribution towards our legal campaign (either send a cheque to the address above or use PayPal for online donations)