- Lack of community consultation proven since through documents release under FOI (Freedom Of Information) shows planning for the Hume Industrial expansion throughout the broadacre areas and discussions between ACTPLA, Land Development Agency (LDA), Chief Minister's Department (CMD), Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS) including Environment and Heritage agencies etc. resulting in determination of a block of land in the Broad Acre buffer zone close to homes.
The proponents and various associations including the Canberra Chamber of Commerce, Master Builders Association and Business Council have stated that no-one should challenge the lack of due diligence required for such a major development - their suggestion is to allow arbitrary decisions as exhibited in this case without cause for concern of the overall impact regardless of a flawed business case (resulting in the amendment to the proposal in late May).
- The proposed site location is in the Broad Acre zone which currently exists as a rural buffer between the Mugga Lane tip industrial site and the residential suburbs of Gilmore, Macarthur and Fadden. This area is part of the natural vegetation corridor that sustains wildlife migration between Wanniassa Hills nature reserve and Environa to the South-East. The development is located within 1km of residential suburbs and even closer to the health services facility for severely disabled men and their carers.
- Emissions and plume study takes source data from locations away from the proposed site, for example the source data used for the critical calculations comes from Canberra Airport, Monash and Bega in NSW. In addition, no current data is used including the background Nitrous Oxides levels from Monash in 2003, so not accounting for increases in background levels due to increased population and other background sources as air and road traffic, increased population and households for 5 years. Due to the lack of a comparable installation of this scale in a similar location anywhere in the world, scientific certanty should be established before making motherhood statements that it will be ok and within allowable limits.
- Noise study which is based on a few select point sources and does not count for effect of multiple sound sources overlaying especially as neighbouring industrial land developments expand the Hume noise base, increased traffic and increased air traffic due to the airport expansion. Also there is no independant verification of the source data used and there is no facility of this type for comparison within a similar setting, anywhere in the world. In relation to sound problems, an example Titan 130 jet turbine was too noisy and too close to homes in Alice Springs that the power company had to pay to relocate it over 25kms from the residential areas.
- Power generation capability of 45MW as the gas fired power station consists of 3 gas turbines and no legally written restriction to run only 2 turbines at a quoted 28MW capacity only.
According to the manufacturer's specifications of the data centres, there will be 10,000m2 of data hall space (where the computers are housed) and at their maximum power specification of 4,500W/m2 then this total power requirement is 45MW.
The buildings contain over 5,000m2 of office space which requires air conditioning. The air conditioners require additional power over and above the power used for the computers. In addition, lighting throughout the facility including indoor office lighting and external high powered security lighting for night-time security monitoring will require even more power.
If a future expansion occurs, there is the possibility of adding more turbines to the site or neighbouring sites in the case of increased power demand through the data centre expansion or if other industrial development occurs in adjacent areas, especially as the extensive infrastructure would already be in place.
- Lack of full environmental impact considerations, for example no vibration studied carried out even though the site is on a granite bedrock. No consideration for off-site disturbance of the neighbouring endangered Yellow-Box/Red-Gum grassy woodlands, animals including bird life throughout the woodlands, a large kangaroo population and more. We have consistently stated since we incorporated that a full EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) is required. Unfortunately, as this would delay the proponents' project they seek to avoid one as a justification for going ahead now, no matter what.
- Scale of development compared to other features in the area. Nearby industrial zones controlled by development control policies that restrict any wall to a maximum of 12 metres height from the ground. The data centre warehouses of the proposed development are equivalent to 7 or 8 storey unit blocks.
- Additional referenced documents used in the reasoning for suitability of the site selected are not available to the public. These documents include the Hume Industrial Planning Study and the Southern Broadacres Study and are quoted as indicating that the area South of Mugga Lane is to be re-zoned to industrial, despite reassurances that the land does not need to be re-zoned by the proponents. This development appears to be the thin end of the wedge before the correct Territory Plan amendments are applied.
- Opinions of an independent member of the community are available here pointing out the lack of information on the business case, risk management, cost benefit analysis, return on investment and all other indicators that would help the community to discern whether the negative impact is worthy of the proponents' business case claims