CPR Inc's Solicitors have issued the legal opinion to ACTPLA that they cannot lawfully approve the development as the data centres are not a "communications facility", which is what the development application purports the data centre buildings to be.
The legal opinion concludes that the development cannot go ahead:
"Because the data centres component of the proposed development is not a "communications facility", approval of the proposal would be contrary to section 8 of the Land Act and hence is a course not lawfully open to ACTPLA."
Download the legal opinion here (
Adobe PDF 0.9Mb ) - J.S. O'Connor Harris & Co. - 29 August 2008
Chief Minister's commitment to uphold lawful planning process (MP3 Audio 1.7Mb) - ABC 666 - 29 August 2008
Data centre not allowed on planned site: lawyer (JPEG Image 152Kb) - Canberra Times - 30 August 2008
Care of Plans Neil Savery, Chief Planning Executive ACTPLA - Canberra Times Letters - 04 September 2008