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Why are we concerned?

View the videos: Video part 1 - Video part 2

Because the power station will impact the environment and affect the health of thousands of Canberrans

Because the site was advertised in the media as being in Hume, but isn't - it's in the district of Tuggeranong, within 1km of residential suburbs in Southern Canberra

Because the project appears to be more about profits than it is about benefit to the people of Canberra

Because the public hasn't been properly informed or consulted

Disclaimer: This web site was created to aid Canberra residents in gaining information regarding the ACTEWAGL proposed development of a major utility gas-fired power station and data centre. The contents of this site have been provided by other concerned residents who do not have the resources, either time nor money, that ACTEWAGL have to commission investigations, surveys and reports. These residents do have some skills and expertise in the areas they have provided details. They may make mistakes in their figures, especially those relating to high technology. They did not do this deliberately to mislead and any corrections are welcomed. We ask that you use this web site as a source of information and research details for yourself. The creators of this web site do not support all the views contained on this web site and again stress this site is provided as a resource for Canberrans to gain information and support research into this $2 billion project. It will affect you - use your voice.